This is a collection of three statblocks which I wrote for a potential Volume 2 of LIQUID CHROME, a small supplement for the game CY_BORG which I published here. These may eventually get added to as a full supplement with art eventually, but I figured I would throw them on here so that whoever comes around can put their eyeballs on them. There are also some formatting issues that I am too lazy to fix.

Small wheel-mounted laser-bot able to slice through any solid material given a few moments. A popular companion droid for robbers and assassins, both for its ability to melt through solid steel and its ability to disable highly-armored targets.

HP 3
Morale -
Aluminum Plating -d4

Laser Cutter d4 + evisceration
Evisceration Instantly destroys any and all armor. If you have no armor take d12 damage instead of d4.

Rent for a Day 1300¤ (16000¤ Replacement Fee)

Genetic monstrosities. Swine, cattle, sheep, mare, they're all indistinguishable within the masses of flesh that stride before you on shaking hooves. Crowded, drugged, and shivering.

HP 12
Morale 6

Stomp d6 + Stampede
Stampede If you have already been struck by a meatstock this round then defense rolls are DR 16.
Slow Attack rolls against this creature are DR 10.

Salvage the Meat 30¤

Seamless blades extend from their forearms. A mess of clicking, salivating mouth parts. These particularly barbaric slashers have been debased by orthopteric cybernetics.

HP 6
Morale 8

Mantis Blades d8 + Insectoid Brutality
Insectoid Brutality On a roll of 8 you are decapitated. You die.
Unnatural Lunge Defense rolls against this creature are DR 14.